How Burglars Choose a Target
A study performed by researchers at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, looked into what caused burglars to rob homes. The research team interviewed over 400 men and women who were incarcerated for burglary crimes. The study looked into a variety of...
Home Automation Can Improve Your Daily Life
Imagine waking up every morning to the smell of coffee brewing, and the blinds slowly opening to let the light of the new day in. Instead of an annoying alarm clock, your playlist is heard in the bedroom and continues into your bathroom as you get ready for the day....
Apartment Security
People who live in apartment buildings often think that they don't need an alarm system to protect their family or valuables. The supposed safety of a lobby door, or even a doorman, might not be enough to prevent a burglary. In fact, an apartment is about 85% more...

Can a Dog Protect Your Home?
A dog may be man’s best friend; but do you really want to depend solely on your dog to defend your home when it matters most? Some people have a big, scary dog as a home defense mechanism, as well as a companion. The idea behind it is pretty simple; you get the dog...

Spring Break
Between the warm weather and the holiday week, it is hard not to enjoy this Spring Break. But while you are enjoying time with your family or taking a trip, it is important to remember that this is a prime week for burglary. Be sure to lock your doors and windows when...

Does Owning a Gun Make Your Home Safer?
Some homeowners feel that getting a gun can allow them to protect themselves and their family from intruders. But is it a good idea to obtain a gun simply for the purposes of protecting your home? There are certainly pros and cons to gun ownership as a way to defend...

Most Burglaries Happen During the Day
A common misconception about burglary is that most thieves come out at night and break into your home while you're asleep. While some do, it is more likely that you will be the victim of a break in during the early part of the day. Statistically speaking, most...
Crime Rates Will Rise with the Temperature
Even with the recent snow storms so late in the season, spring will eventually return. When it does, the weather warms up and so will the crime rate. Studies show that crime goes up throughout the warmer months and peaks in the summer. Here's a quick reminder of a few...

New Year’s Resolution, Invest in Home Security
When it comes to our families, we all want to do whatever we can to protect them. Every year, people make New Year’s resolutions, from getting fit to improving relationships, and so on. This year, make a New Year’s resolution towards providing quality security and...
Burglary Rates Spike During the Holiday Season
The holiday season can be a stressful time of the year. Buying gifts, cold weather, kids out of school, decorating the house, in-laws… But what can make it all even worse? Burglary. Tis the season for thieves to strike again. The peak times for burglaries in America...