With Sandy still fresh in the minds of everyone, no one really needs to be reminded that it’s hurricane season again on the east coast. Which means everyone needs to stay informed and be prepared for the possibility of extended periods without power and all of the other problems associated with hurricane-like storms.
Since storms of this nature are often unpredictable, Video Surveillance Corporation wants to pass along this information from the NYPD Community Affairs Bureau to encourage you to keep the following in mind:
• Develop a plan with your household members that outlines what to do, how to find each other, and how to communicate if a hurricane strikes.
• Stay alert to weather reports and conditions and pay attention to any instructions from local authorities.
• Keep emergency contact numbers with you.
• Secure loose objects in your yard and around your property.
• Close and lock windows and doors.
• Everyone in your household should have a Go Bag — a collection of things you would want if you have to leave in a hurry.
• Keep on hand non-perishable food which can be eaten without cooking.
• Check flashlights or other emergency lights to make sure they are in working condition, and an ample supply of fresh batteries.
• Keep a battery operated radio on hand.
• Fill your bathtub with water for flushing the toilet.
• Gas up your car. If electrical power is off, service stations may not be able to operate pumps.
• Prepare appropriate emergency supplies to sustain yourself and your family for a few days if a storm’s path becomes more evident of impacting your area.