Customer Testimonials

This company was referred by a friend. My partner and I had them install cameras in our office so we could keep an eye on things while we were out of the office. The pictures are very clear and the system has worked flawlessly since it was installed. After that, I had them remove an old alarm I had at home that was not working. VSC replaced it with a new wireless alarm. They removed all the old wiring, did a neat and professional job and best of all the wife is happy. What more can you ask for?

Bill B, New Jersey

Video Surveillance installed cameras and an alarm at my Manhattan shop years ago. It was nice to know that they were still in business when I needed to move my operation to Brooklyn. Best part is, they worked with my contractor and removed the system from the old location and re-installed it at the new location with almost no downtime.

Lance B, Brooklyn

During our consultation, Matt recommended that we add some smoke and carbon detectors to the alarm system for our Brooklyn brownstone. At first, my wife and I were reluctant. Honestly our initial reaction was that this was just a way to option up the cost of the job. After some convincing, we decided to add the detectors. But the day our dryer caught fire and the alarm system alerted the fire department, I knew these guys were looking out for us. To think of the disaster that could have been, we thank our lucky stars that we listened to him.

Brian D, Brooklyn

I was referred to VSC by a friend (colleague/associate). I was pleased with the service and technical knowledge. They were very professional and had a low impact on my place of business during the installation, which I appreciated. Overall, I was so satisfied with VSC and it’s service that I also had them install an alarm system in my home.

Charles F, Staten Island