Your garage houses many valuable items – bikes, lawn care tools, sports equipment, and sometimes, even your car. But the garage is often overlooked by many homeowners when it comes to security. Garages, whether attached or separated from the house, can be the target of thieves looking to steal valuables. The easiest preventive measure you can take is to keep your garage door closed. An open door is an open invitation to someone to come in and help themselves to your stuff.
Locking your garage doors with locks that use a PIN code, is a great way to eliminate loosing a key and having the wrong kind of person find it. Make sure that you only give the code to those within your family. Garage windows should always be locked and secured and checked regularly. You should consider covering them with something that lets in light, but will not easily allow someone to look in to see what you have stored there. If you regularly store your car in the garage, be sure to also have a carbon monoxide detector installed.
Does your garage afford a burglar easy access to important things for your house, like the fuse box or telephone lines? A garage with access to these vital parts of your home should have added security. Just as the rest of your home, the security of your garage is important. Protect your home and your family with a quality video surveillance and alarm system from the Video Surveillance Corp. Call us. today at (718) 258-1310. We provide full service security solutions for homes and businesses. When you think of security, think of Video Surveillance Corp. It’s security you can see!